Bericht zum 3. Heidelberger Cyclocrossrennen

Bei der dritten Auflage unseren Cyclocrossrennens waren einige RSVler:innen am Start. Vadir ist bereits ein alter Hase im Gelände, Kathrin ist auf dem Weg dahin. Beide haben uns einen kleinen Einblick in den Renntag und das Drumherum gegeben. Schaut doch mal rein!
The Elektroland24 CX series was in full swing, and the anticipation for the Heidelberg race was palpable. As the Rheinzabern race concluded, the air was filled with a common refrain: “See you on the sand!” Inspired by the prowess of M. Van de Poel and Lucinda Brand on the iconic sand of Zonhoven, we could only dream of such grace and agility. While we might not fly over the sand, our hearts raced as we navigated it on foot, relishing the sheer exertion and determination it demanded.
Known far and wide, the RSV Heidelberg race wasn’t just another event; it was the crown jewel of the series. The sand was an attraction, but what set it apart was its magnetic pull, drawing in crowds and competitors alike. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement, a testament to the community’s appreciation for the tireless effort poured into organizing the event.
Participants and spectators had the luxury of a cozy venue where registration was seamless, and post-race recovery involved indulging in delicious cake and steaming coffee, a perfect shield against the winter chill.
This year’s track, while less muddy than last year’s, still offered plenty of slippery, technical fun. It demanded a blend of raw power and refined technique, making every lap a thrilling challenge. From the perspective of a racer, the event’s organization shone through, backed by a team of kind and helpful individuals. As a proud member of RSV Heidelberg, I felt immense pride in witnessing our collaborative effort come to fruition, creating a seamless and exhilarating experience for all.
A heartfelt thank you went out to Tobi and the entire organizing crew. On the grid line, the love for the Heidelberg race was clear, and the promise to return next year was unanimous. It was more than a race; it was a celebration of community, dedication, and passion.
Nachdem ich mittlerweile Blut geleckt hatte, was das Thema Cyclocross betrifft, fieberte ich dieses Jahr dem Heimrennen in Heidelberg entgegen.
Während die Strecke beim freien Training am Vortag noch grün war, verwandelte sie sich aufgrund des Regens in der Nacht zu einer rutschigen, nassen und kräftezehrenden Schlammstrecke. Zweimal hat es mir in einer Kurve das Hinterrad weggezogen, aber ich konnte mich zum Glück abfangen.
Die Stimmung an der Strecke war einfach nur spitze und hat mich durch vier anstrengende Runden getragen. Am Ende belegte ich Rang 5 im Hobbyrennen der Frauen, was für mich als Anfängerin in dieser Disziplin ein voller Erfolg war.